Saturday, July 31, 2010

A faint Pulse

I have to ask, What's with PBS in the US? Friday night after dinner my darling Danish Princess turned on PBS Detriot, to watch a show called 'The Great American Songbook'. She is after all a Gay Man trapped in a woman's body. Her words not mine so calm down besides I'm just a Lesbian trapped in a decaying male body. Let's get back on point here. So here's this show, telling how great American music became during the early years of the 20th century. The time of Berlin, Hart etc. etc., well I agree but I did find some irony there. What I found amusing was that the Great American Songbook was written mostly by Russian Jewish immigrants that basically stole their musical style and subject matter from Black Americans. They then added enough White Bread American references that it would be deemed palatable to the rest of the country.

Okay maybe I'm being a little harsh on Irving and the other kids he worked with, after all I do enjoy some of the music. It just struck me odd that here is this show polishing over the fact that a lot of what they produced was 'borrowed' from a culture within a culture. The irony was that it is still being done today in popular music. Take EMINEM please. Next up on Detriot PBS was a ridiculous show about the history of Irish America hosted by Patty Duke. I don't know who dressed poor Patty or who did her hair and make-up and then supplied her with a terrible pair of glasses but they should be taken out back and shot. They took poor Patty and gave her middle America hairdo from the late sixties. Unbelievable! Then there was the show itself, Reetty Deetty Dumm Deery Dootie, crap. Again they proceeded to dumb down American History and put it to shamrock music including jigs.

That's when I lost it. I had to look at their programming for the next few days. More of the same sad shit pushing the concept the "Good Ol' Days" and how great America is especially if we package it in sugar and put music to it. I checked the other PBS Station from Seattle, same story, other coast. After checking three days of programming on both stations we realized that there was nothing on these stations to challenge you. There was nothing on these stations to create discussion, stir up a little controversy and engage you mind. Is this a Bush Mandate Holdover, stay the course, America support the troops? Has the commercialization of Public Broadcasting in the United States actually dumbed it down so much it has to play Victor Borge once week until they can save up to buy and play the latest Barry Manilow concert until we all puke and beg for more Victor?

I had a look at Knowledge Network and it's programming list for the next three days. Yes, there are some borrowed English Dramas but all in all it was an engaging lineup. Especially when we saw that at 10pm they were playing 'Wigstock the Movie', a gay romp in the world of drag queens.

That's when it felt good to live here with Knowledge Network asking and answering questions. CBC with Passionate Eye, Doc Zone, Market Place and more, all making us sit up and shout about stuff. That is democracy in action. When will America remind itself that there was more going on in the sixties than Ed Sullivans' Rock & Roll, or that while Big Band Swing Music flourished the world was at War. Have the specialty channels taken over this job in the United States? But what about Bubba and Lou-Anne that can't afford no fancy cable TV Specialty Channels? That's where publicly funded television is important. Look corporate sponsors, just fund the stations and stop dictating their content then we'll see PBS come back to life.

There is a faint pulse of hope if you listen, they do have Tavis Smiley.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day!

We live in a great nation but we take a lot of what we have for granted.

I'm not just talking about the regular stuff we have, like universal healthcare, or stable government, hockey, beautiful landscapes and a recovering economy.

Yesterday afternoon I started to ponder what a great melting pot our country is. I was sitting on our deck enjoying a glass of Argentine Wine, I said to my darling wife (the Danish Princess), "I should pull out the Canadian Flag and finally set up the flag pole." Next thing I knew there was the flag. So I rigged up a flag pole from an old brass head board rail. (We Canadians are inventive afterall) After I had it all set up of course there wasn't any wind. Finally I have something I want to flap in the breeze and there's no wind, what's going with this great Canadian Weather?

So, I'm sipping my Argentine Wine and I thought I bet my beautiful Canadian Flag is made in China. It sure was. The other thing I noticed was a special warning on the package. A special message just for our French Canadian brothers and sisters. That's how much the world cares about us, they include special warnings just for Quebec. I am impressed.

Apparently for 3 year old English Canadians there is a choking hazard. For the 3 year old French Canadians not only is there a choking hazard but the flag might suffocate them.

Interesting, OUI.

So after this revelation I went into the house to use my Japanese TOTO Toilet. I undid my Chinese Jeans, dropped my Bangledesh Boxers and relieved my self. I tucked in my Cambodian T Shirt from Superstore back into my Chinese Jeans and headed back out to my Vietnamese deck furniture to sip my Argentine wine and look across the Juan de Fuca at the United States.

Recently I received an e-mail from a former work friend, it was one of those 'Look what our government gives refugees' rant. I didn't answer then but I will now. This whole country is made up of refugees of one sort or another either because of poor economic conditions, persecution of some sort or just people trying to give their future children a better life.

How do you think we get Cambodian T Shirts, Chinese Jeans, GM Trucks, Bangledesh Boxers, Swedish Volvos, Swedish Ikea, Danish Leggo and the list goes on and on?

These refugees write back to their homes of origin and say, 'Hey they need cheaper T Shirts over here'. Next thing you know you're wearing Bangledesh Boxers.

I love Canada, we are a real melting pot, if we weren't I wouldn't have met my imported Danish Wife.

Happy Canada, wave that flag!