Monday, July 15, 2013

Go Phish!

I started getting ads about football then debt reduction and who's best. Now there is nothing wrong with those subjects of interest. Lord knows I could use some debt reduction. However the busty babes in the ads were the same for all the subjects.

I know sex sells, it has for decades. But do these people think our global attention span is so short that we won't notice that they are recycling these images. How dumb do they think we are?

What I want to know is what are these people really phishing for ?

Phishing being a new word in my limited vocabulary, was brought to my attention by my bank. It was after I received an email regarding my chequing account claiming to be from the bank.

Helpful tip, if you get an email from your bank and there are no capital letters used. It's probably fraudulent and criminal. The bank will never request account information by email. They prefer the personal approach.

Are these people after our identities, money or lifestyles? If you are, you came to the wrong place. If you want to assume my debts, my payments and my health history, you're in for a surprise. As dumb as it sounds, it is my debt, my payments and my crummy health history so bugger off! I won't give it up. With out all that and friends and family my life would be too boring and easy.

Just in case 'YOU' are out there and have stumbled upon this post I'm not biting. Go PHISH!

Just one more thing. Apparently I work with a number of good looking women up here at my studio and they want to contact me through FB. They must be invisible and lazy because I seem to be the doing all the studio work.  I do work with the lovely Danish Princess and her handmaiden Molly and my sidekick 'Sir Brando Braveheart of Bruge' but other than those 3, there's nobody else here. Give your fucking heads a shake Phish, at least know your audience.

So FB & Large Search Engines somebody is getting our info so clean up your act. Screen these people and be sure they are legit before you allow them to advertise. In the meantime I'm going to try and figure out how they are targeting my FB page.