Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Greed, Corruption & the LifeBoy Bonus

I have watched with interest over the past months as the economy of world has fallen victim to greed and corruption.

It has affected us all, no matter what age we are. Here we are coming up to tax time and I have noticed a lack of information coming our way on regarding our retirement savings. Our advisors have fallen silent.

This does not really surprise me, the concept of Freedom 55 is not for the general public.

Freedom 55 is for financial planners and not for common working folk.

Just when the situation seemed beyond ridiculous, along comes the story of AIG bonuses. Call me old fashioned but I thought you received a bonus when you performed well and did work beyond your basic duties. A bonus is for excellence or it was until the new AIG definition.

I'm not saying that these people didn't deserve to get paid, they were after all working and just "following orders" from their leaders. Haven't we heard that before, say back in the late thirties in Germany. Now that may be considered a harsh comparison after all these workers aren't Nazis but really why didn't anybody stand up say "Hey what's going on here is wrong!" Didn't we learn the lesson last time?

Nobody spoke up back in Germany. Nobody spoke up when these financial institutions started to screw the pouch and let Greed rule the day. Our results are not as harsh as those in the thirties but Millions of people have been injured by Greed. To add insult to injury NOW they are using Tax dollars to bail the Greedy Buggers out and supply them with Bonuses. Shame!

I like happy endings, but I'm not counting on one this time. The pouch has been screwed and most of the workers have been given a LifeBoy bonuses.

1 comment:

brie said...

On the plus side, it looks like stateside Obama is going to do something about preventing the AIG bonuses. Here's hoping they actually take their money away.