Friday, May 15, 2009

Stand on Guard for Thee?

When is a bribe not a bribe? Apparently a bribe is not a bribe when you are the former prime minister of this country! The former PM must never have watched any of those fabulous old gangster movies that started out in the forties and then reformulated in the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties. You know the ones where the gangster/mobster or sleaze bag villain slides the envelope stuffed with cash across the desk to the corrupt politician. The one where the envelope is tucked inside a folded newspaper and handed off to civil servant in order to sway a contract bidding process.

I always thought that Patronage appointments were the height of our political system scandals and the peak of government drama. Now we have a new benchmark. The dark under belly of the Canadian Political System has been exposed. Between the naughty Jean Jean and his honorable Fiburoney the true nature of backdoor Canadian Politics has been revealed and it is ugly.

In conversation with a Libyan National once, I was told that Arabs counted their fingers after shaking hands with a Canadian Business Man. I never believed it, however after the recent televised hearings, I may have to reconsider my views.

Who really stands on guard for thee? I know our troops believe they do but what kind of backroom deals sent them to the other side of the planet. Do we really want to spread democracy that is corrupted by backdoor business dealings. Was it really a case of "poor judgement" at the time and "regrettable" or is this similar to the greed which the world economy has fallen victim too?

Let's all be aware of the pitfalls of greed and make no room for the corrupt. If democracy is what we want to export then it should be transparent and for the better of the people that need it, not rich business men, corrupt politicians and civil servants.

I will now dismount my soap box and continue on with my day.

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