Friday, January 15, 2010

Going Postal

For the past few days I've been meaning to sit down write about the 'Mail Service.'

It's not that I don't appreciate Canada Post but really what are they doing?

After hearing on the News about postal rates going up I felt I had to comment.

First though I am going to back track a bit before getting right to the issue. When my Mother died I had to send some items back east. Photo Albums, Framed Photos and small Artwork pieces which I carefully packed up into 9 parcels. Seven were going to Scarbeerea in Ontario and 2 to Calgary Alberta. Each of these parcels weighed about 27 pounds. I used UPS, not my favourite courier but reasonable. I figured why not, it was getting closer to Christmas and I was pretty sure Canada Post would be clogged up and just as expensive.

Here's the deal, the 2 packages that went to Calgary weighed almost 50 pounds and cost about $27.00. They were delivered to the door within 10 days going ground.

Here's where it gets interesting, Norm and Helen sent our girls a little package about 6"x4" and 5" high. The little parcel contained a couple of gift cards and really nice luggage tags and weighed at worst 1/4 pound. They were charged $11.50 by Canada Post. This parcel was small enough to actually fit in our mail box at the end of the street. It could also have been placed in the parcel box. Did our through rain, snow or sleet people do this?

No, the lazy bugger just scrawled a door knob hanger and stuck into our mail box with the other mail. This meant we had to drive into town to pick it up.

Here's the rant. Canada Post is going to raise the postal rates for two Reasons. This is what it boils down to...."Canada Post is delivering less mail to more addresses, so rates have to go up."

What the heck does that mean? There are more addresses in Canada than before...Okay, the nation is growing. Canada Post is delivering less mail than before because people are using UPS, FEDEX and Purolator because they are faster, cheaper,as well as pick up and deliver to your front door.

Here's the first question....How do you deliver less mail to more locations? Here's the second question...How is less mail going to more locations justify a hike in postal rates?

Did we just get screwed again by the Post Office and more so by the powerful Postal Union.....?

Less for more, great concept maybe we should go into work and ask for a raise and less work to do.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused...........

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