Sunday, January 9, 2011

'They Should Never Forget the Sound'

Anyone who has followed my blog for some time may have noticed that I like to take shots at the media from time to time. If this is your first visit to my blog, Yes I like to take shots at the media.

Don't get me wrong, quite often I have no complaints about the News gathers of North America. Sometimes though they strike a nerve and I have to say something. You have to ask what are they thinking? If you don't you will fall into the dumb demographic that 'they' are looking for. Tumbling down their dumb rabbit hole will force us to suffer through mediocre dramas, comedies, home reno, gardening, cooking and current affair shows.

One second please,...... I have to get off that soap box and move to my irritant of the day soap box. I would like to say I'll try and keep this brief but that would be just a lie.

As my parents aged they were bombarded by charities, con artists, 'trades' people, and others I would just call crooks. I don't think Mom and Dad were alone in this situation, otherwise The Senior Marketing Industry would not have developed to the size it has.

This morning I saw a new commercial that really set me off. Most commercials have their sound equalized to a maximum so that they sound louder than the regular programming. The volume is not increased, everything is just punched up to make the ads sound brighter and bigger. Not this ad though, it was for a NEW Hearing Aide company. They purposely flattened the sound. The pitch man talked in a well modulated tone that had no emphasis on punctuation or wording. Now this product might be useful for many, (my family members included) but the sales method was deceptive in my opinion. It actually made the viewer think their hearing was in question.

If this commercial hadn't been followed up by the Bose Wave Sound System ad, I may have actually called! Bose Wave Sound System,"I'll never forget the sound", of course you won't you bought the fucking stereo. Ever notice that the Canadian Protection Plan has the same letters as the Government run CPP and the pitch person wears an old style civil servant business suit? The new life insurance plan 'Cover Me for Life' will cover you for life by taking your money until you die. A cost of a Funeral today can be as high as TEN Thousand Dollars, if you don't sign up with a Crematorium Society and only pay about $1,500 for cremation. Yes the Federal Government allows up to a $2,500 death benefit, GOSH that would cover my cremation and my family could save up to $8,500. Save some of that for weddings and grand children or even a trip to a warmer climate where the con men speak Spanish.

Now that I am on the brink of this aging demographic, The Senior Marketing Industry is really pissing me off. There's only one thing to say, "They'll never forget the sound" of us changing channels, hanging up the phone and making a noise about their bullshit marketing ploys.


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