Monday, December 21, 2009

Wells & Christmas & Ugly Things

Here's a picture of Travis lifting up the Well Drilling Rig on our driveway. I bet him a toonie he couldn't do it and now I'm out 2 bucks.

He can use it for their much delayed honeymoon and Christmas shopping.

It's been a longer year than usual because it really started back in October of 2008 when Dad died. Then we had Janna's broken foot, Janna and Travis's Wedding, my heart surgery, Brie heading off to Geneva, then my Mom moved into a home, then my Mom died, having to sell her house and having more heart problems. I'll be glad when this year is over. I think the low lights out weighed the highlights if not equaling them. It can only get better from here.

Sometimes when you review things you forget to include some bright little things because the ugly things seem so big. I wrote that last paragraph and thought, Wait a minute you forgot about all the visits we had over the year what a goof. My cousins came to visit, Allan & Deb, Phylis & Dave, Maureen, and the boys came Marc & Cory, then there was Norm & Helen, Sister Linda, Brother Jim and our friends Carole & Terry. I didn't include all the visits from J&T or Brie and I probably missed a few more visitors like Lynn and Dale. But hey I'm only human or at least a good portion of me still is. All in all I guess it was a difficult year but we have been surround by a supportive family and friends. I hate this time of the year I get even more mushy than usual. Sniff Sniff and then honk.

Finally, thanks to my parents we are Drilling a Well. This will give us some independence from the Strata. Right now they at the 240' mark and hopefully they will hit water soon. Either they hit water or I have very expensive 300' by 8 inch hole on the edge of our driveway. I guess I'll know later today.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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