Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wieners, Republicans and Gun Toting Jihadists.

The night before last I watched a bit of the Rachel Maddow Show. Yes the majority of the show was about Wiener Gate. She was busy comparing Republicans who have lied, done inappropriate things and still manage to keep their jobs and are not forced to resign. Democrats, it seems are given a rougher ride when they exhibit their stupidity.

Not belittle the situation Mr. Wiener find himself because after all he is not the only idiot that Emailed, Facebooked, or Twittered his privates into the internet ether. How stupid are you? Would you leave a pair of shit stained underwear out for the company to see when you invite them over for dinner? No, I think not. Why, because no body wants to see your dirty laundry or find out you like to be spanked with a hot waffle iron. It's just creepy.

I digress, I really wanted to talk about Guns and Republicans. Apparently the Republicans voted down a bill that would require a mandatory background check before the purchase of automatic or semi automatic weapons. These same Republicans helped create the 'No Fly List'.

Here's the thing, it was pointed out that apparently these suspected terrorists can't fly but they could take a car, bus or train to one of the big American Gun Shows and buy an Automatic Weapon without a background check. To prove the point there has been a video posted.

Here's a link.

Ya gotta love America, can it get any weirder?

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