Saturday, March 26, 2011

Election Trash and Bash

I got up way too early this morning 5 am. I had the misfortune of watching Mr. Harpy call the election for May 2. You may ask why misfortune? I will try and explain my position, by not just saying I think the whole thing is just stupid, even though it is.

What I saw this morning was a great example of when power and ego circumvents logic. I watched bemused as Mr. Harpy basically pushed the fear based agenda that global governments for years perpetuated to control (us) the unwashed masses.(example: Nazi Germany, Lybia, Iran, Iraq, France, Great Britain, etc. get the point) Maybe Hugo Chavez is almost right, there is no life on Mars not because of capitalism but because fear based politics.

Instead of just translating into English and into French, we should of had someone translating into Plain Speak. I think it would have gone something like this.

Harpy, 'They are bad and we are good. We've been doing a good job and they have ruined it for everyone. If we don't get a majority, Canada will go to hell quickly and fall into confusion. You, will loose everything because the Liberals, NDP and Bloc are all liars. Don't listen to them, they're sneaky and liars. Look at the state of the world, disasters, financial crisis loom over us again and there is trouble in the middle east. If you don't vote for my party, all these things will happen here in Canada.'

Fear based politics.

Wouldn't it have been nice to actually see Mr. Harpy come out and say he was excited to go into another election. Here is an opportunity for him to speak positively about the work they have done and the potential work they will do in the future. But NO, he couldn't do that.

I managed to watch the other party leaders speak to our huddled masses. Mr. Agnat, seemed excited about the challenge his team would face and seemed focussed on trying to make us believe that the Liberals could form the next government. However, he is going to get cranky having to answer the coalition question over and over and over again. Mr. Cumlayton sounded like Barak Obama wrote his speech. Lizzie May appeared to be getting messages from the Green Man while speaking and I almost thought she was being translated because there seemed to be a disconnect between her words and her mouth. Probably just a technical problem, because she wasn't allowed to speak until Mr. Cumlayton had finished and probably got ahead of herself.

Actually the best thing this morning came from Mr. Cumlayton and Ms May. First, Cumlayton said, 'Ottawa is broken and we now have a chance to fix it.' Then Lizzie said, 'It is important for us to vote, don't let the scare tactics keep you home and let's put an end to attack ad politics.'

I might even vote for both of those reasons. The other thing I would like to see is Mr. Harpy red faced. He can blame the other parties as much as he wants for this election but in truth it is his ego and greed for power that has fuelled this situation and nothing else.

Did I mention I think the whole thing is stupid. That's just one man's opinion and it happens to be mine.

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