Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Middle East, Charlie Sheen and Hockey

There has been a number of stories that have stolen the headlines for the past few weeks. Egypt, Libya, the Middle East in General and good ol' party guy Charlie Sheen. The first few are justified and Charlie is like watching the a train wreck. Now the Newsroom has added the Charra hockey hit.

That was the last straw on my Camel's back.

How many times do we have to see this hit? This reminds me of when the Diver hit the board attempting a back somersault and smashed face and then fell like a rock. It also reminds me of last years Luge accident at the Olympic warm up runs. Gruesome!

One step forward and there would not be an issue to report. One step back and there would be no issue. If you can stomach the video watch closely, this was not a hit from behind, this was not a head shot. Charra checked Pacioretty into the boards like any defenseman would. It was not a crushing bodycheck.

What I can see in the video is Max Pacioretty leaving his feet at the wrong place at the wrong time. The dangerous edge holding up the glass wall was and is an accident waiting to happen. This is a design flaw that has to be corrected in every pro and non pro rink.

If you want to see a deliberate head shot, watch the Todd Bertuzzi sucker punch on Steve Moore. Now that is a legal matter not the Pacioretty's hit.

Let's change gears and talk about the waste of airtime used to cover Charlie Sheen. Obviously, some Newsrooms think this is important stuff. Some think that this more important than the Middle East or at least it appears that way. The thing is that the coverage really isn't that good or coherent.

In one story an American Station interviewed the Porn Star that Charlie locked in a closet in New York or was it the bathroom. I've heard both. For some reason that I can't understand they felt it necessary to insert a shot of the Porn Star having Botox shots in her face. The voice over stated that "She was so upset with Mr. Sheen's actions she had to have Plastic Surgery." I think they had this clip and during editing someone said you better do a voice over here, what can you make up. It made no sense, and did not really have anything to do with the real story but they used it anyway.

What did I learn from this? I can now use this information when the Danish Princess gets upset or when I know get upset. How you may ask?

Danish Princess, "That really makes me upset!"
Response, "How Mad? Mad enough to have Plastic Surgery?"
Danish Princess, "No!"
Response, "Then, you really aren't that upset, then are you?"

Yes it's the simple stupid things in life that makes it worthwhile getting up each day.

The News lately has upset me but not enough to………………….

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